RPA — Past, Present and Future!

Vikas Kulhari
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that enables companies to use software robots to automate their mundane, repetitive processes. These software robots can perform tasks that are traditionally done by humans, such as data entry, report generation, and record-keeping. RPA has come a long way since its inception, and its evolution has been marked by technological advancements, changes in the business landscape, and the growing demand for automation.

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Early Days of RPA

The concept of RPA first emerged in the late 1990s, when screen-scraping tools were developed to automate tasks that involved interacting with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). These tools were able to mimic human actions, such as clicking buttons and filling in forms, by recording and replaying user interactions with the GUI. Although this approach was limited in its capabilities, it marked the beginning of automation in the workplace.

The Emergence of Intelligent Automation

As RPA technology evolved, so did the need for more advanced automation solutions. The next major development in RPA was the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into the software. This allowed robots to learn from their interactions with humans and other systems, and to make decisions based on data and rules.

The integration of machine learning and AI also led to the development of intelligent automation solutions, which are designed to automate more complex tasks and processes. These solutions can learn from experience, adapt to changes in the environment, and make decisions based on real-time data. Intelligent automation is being used in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences.

The Role of Cloud Computing in RPA

Cloud computing has also played a significant role in the evolution of RPA. With the advent of cloud-based RPA solutions, businesses no longer need to invest in expensive hardware or software to implement automation. Cloud-based solutions can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, and can be easily scaled to meet changing business needs.

The Benefits of RPA

The benefits of RPA are many, and they have been driving the adoption of automation in businesses of all sizes. RPA has been shown to increase productivity, reduce errors, and improve the accuracy of data entry and other routine tasks. It can also free up employees to focus on more complex, high-value tasks, such as customer service and strategic planning.

RPA has also been shown to reduce costs, as it eliminates the need for manual labor and reduces the risk of errors and delays. In addition, RPA can improve compliance by ensuring that processes are performed consistently and accurately, reducing the risk of non-compliance with regulations and laws.

The Future of RPA

Looking ahead, the future of RPA is bright. With the continued growth of machine learning and AI, RPA is likely to become even more intelligent and capable of handling more complex tasks. The rise of cloud-based solutions will make RPA more accessible to businesses of all sizes, while the ongoing demand for automation will continue to drive innovation in the field.

In conclusion, the evolution of RPA has been driven by a range of technological, social, and economic factors. The technology has come a long way from its early days, and its impact on businesses has been significant. With ongoing innovation and investment, RPA is likely to become even more powerful and transformative, helping businesses of all sizes to automate their routine tasks and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.



Vikas Kulhari

Crafting Tomorrow: I help companies create intelligent machines | AI Maestro | AI & Intelligent Automation Consultant. LinkedIn @vikaskulhari