How KPMG and I are Working Together for a Better World — CSR

Vikas Kulhari
2 min readJun 28, 2020

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.”

As a part of the human race, all that I ever wanted was to have a sense of purpose and to bring a positive impact on society.

Since the time, I have joined KPMG, I am impressed with their commitment towards a better community through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities like sponsoring events, donating essentials, providing education to the needy kids, providing financial aid, etc.

One day, I got a call from “The Earth Saviours Foundation” to support their NGO as they were going through some financial crisis. This NGO attends to the needs of helpless adults and children, abandoned senior citizens, mentally-challenged and specially-abled people. It provides shelter to more than 600 people. I helped them in all the possible ways I could, but it was not sufficient. So, I reached out to the KPMG CSR team and the team immediately came forward to support the NGO. We organized a day event where we distributed blankets and arranged food for the poverty-stricken people at Gurukul, situated at Gurgaon-Faridabad road.

I believe that the activities carried out by the CSR team are a great way to keep our people positive and upbeat, thereby, creating a nurturing, progressive, and happy work environment. I am really thankful to the KPMG CSR team for helping our community. I am pleased to be a part of this team and would like to dedicatedly offer my time to building a better society.



Vikas Kulhari

Crafting Tomorrow: I help companies create intelligent machines | AI Maestro | AI & Intelligent Automation Consultant. LinkedIn @vikaskulhari